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“Don’t worry put your hands up. It’s okay,” I reassured Michelle.

Hello, everyone. Life is crazy—as you all know! More creative nonfiction pieces are coming soon, but writing my book, The Numbered, consumes most of my time. 

As my book’s title says, I feel we spend every millisecond of our numbered days taking care of family, running errands, and struggling to carry our $150 bag of groceries into the house. We all struggle, and I hope you, my subscribers, and future subscribers are doing well. 

Chin up! We can make it through these tumultuous days. Just to cheer you up, I decided to write a flash-fiction piece to bring a smile to your face:


“Don’t worry, put your hands up. It’s okay,” I reassured Michelle.

The look in her eyes said she didn’t believe me. I am supposed to be her protector. How do I make her realize I am her knight in shining armor?

“Are you sure, Josh?” Michelle asked as her voice quivered.

“Yes, don’t worry.”

Other people around us expressed their nervousness. Did we make the right choice coming here today? Of course, but now we are strapped down under immense pressure. Everyone felt the same-unaware of the day’s twists and turns.

Tears filled Michelle’s eyes. “I don’t know if I can handle this anymore!”

I gently squeezed her hand. “Baby, I want let anything or anyone hurt you.”

A masked man walked by us, looked at Michelle, and continued moving along the file of people to our front. He stopped near a group of people, bent, said something to them, and continued walking down the line. He turned and gave a thumbs-up to a masked lady near the group’s center. She nodded and waved at her masked partners.

“Baby…” Michelle’s face was as soaked as grass in the morning dew.

“It’s going to be okay.”

Our seats began to shake and move forward. Up. Up. We started our climb. Finally, the entire world came into view.

“Keep your hands up! Here we go!” I said as the rollercoaster zipped down the track.

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