About the Author

J. A. Napper retired from the U.S. Army in 2019 and has since pursued writing. He always enjoyed clicking a pen, grabbing a notebook, and crafting stories. J. A. Napper earned his B.A. in English and Creative Writing from American Military University and is a member of the Alpha Chi Tau chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society. 

J. A. Napper enjoys reading, writing, golfing, hiking, and anything about the outdoors. He dabbles in photography and has received several photography awards. However, his true passion is writing.

He is currently writing a novel titled The Numbered. This book follows the lives of people who attempt to navigate a post-WWIII America. The protagonists must decide if they side with the newly formed government or a group that wants to live a free life. Check on this excerpt from chapter one:

“He sat in the back of the bus, stared at the ruins of Memphis, TN, and wondered if his hometown reflected the rest of New America.” (J. A. Napper, The Numbered, pp. 1). 

J. A. Napper is a freelance writer for Military Spouse magazine and their blog. He also has several poems published in his school’s Bird & Dog Journal. Be sure to subscribe for more updates on the novel! 

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